RicWrdhna Dev
My Name Is Ricky Triyoga Wardhana an Informathics Engineering Student From University Of Muhammadiyah Malang, I live and born inJombang, and now I am 21 years old. Having been interested in the world of programming since I was in middle school until now, I am determined to continue to deepen my knowledge about programming. With the learning by doing method that I use, I am dedicated to creating a new application that aims to improve my personal and interpersonal qualities. I always like to invite people around me to do things similar to me, this makes me have a leadership spirit because I always guide my peers to build their projects. I enjoy deepening all my knowledge about programming, such as Front End Developer, Back End Developer and becoming a Cloud Engineer, starting from Mobile Apps platforms, Websites Apps and Desktop Applications. This makes me highly dedicated to becoming a Full Stack Developer.
Tech Skills
Frame Work
Programming Language
Designed in Figma for a visually appealing and modern user experience. Built with JavaScript and TypeScript for a robust and scalable foundation. Powered by Next.js Framework for efficient server-side rendering and performance optimization. Styled with Tailwind CSS for a utility-first approach to clean and responsive design. Deployed with Vercel for effortless deployment and global edge distribution.
© 2024, Ricky Triyoga Wardhana